RippleX Founder Fellowship
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Adult Education Center
Amherst College
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California Polytechnic State University
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Centre College
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Ivey Business School
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Memorial University of Newfoundland
Middlebury College
Minerva Schools at KGI
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New York University
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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rotman School of Management, The University of Toronto
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Schuluch School of Business
Sherbrooke University
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Stanford Graduate School of Business
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The MIT Sloan School of Management
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The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania
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University of California, Berkeley
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University of Waterloo
Vanderbilt University
Virginia Tech
Western University
Wilfred Laurier University
Yale University
York University
Erika Echaniz
Erika Echaniz
Cohort: 10
Kaiying Guo
Kaiying Guo
Cohort: 11
Mia Krishnamurthy
Mia Krishnamurthy
Cohort: 6
The Ripple Fellowship not only helped me understand the fundamentals of VC, but it exposed me to a group of talented, like-minded, and entrepreneurial students that motivated me to keep learning and growing as a Founder and aspiring VC.